Mission Point Resort Theater : Investigation
(note: if you see a * ... that means there is a sound file)
Here is the first in what I hope will be a series of investigations I am going to share with you.
This is a return to Mission Point Resort on Mackinac Island. The investigation that appears in my upcoming book "Ghost in the Coal Cellar" (Due out August 8th) gives explicit details of the first really awesome investigation where a lot of things happened, so be sure to check it out.
However, I had the opportunity to return to the theater this past week for a smaller investigation. Joined again by Kimberly Cenci along with 2 of her friends, my mother and my pooches... I set out to see if I could get the residents of the theater to interact with me again.
Sony Cybershot Camera
Canon EOS camera
2 Sony Digital Voice Recorders
Mel Meter
K-II Meter (I came with one, Kim provided a handful more)
Several containers of glitter
Laser Grid machine
A Rubber Ducky
As soon as we were settled, we turned off the lights, and turned on the laser grid which emitted thousands of little green and red dots around the theater. (The thought behind the laser grid... when a spirit manifests, it can disrupt the stream of light so you can better see what may otherwise be a mist, or a shadow.)
I laid out a piece of paper and dumped the contents of 2 containers of glitter. My hope was that the resident child, Lucy, or the resident prankster, Harvey, would play with the glitter leaving some kind of a mark.
I placed the rubber ducky on the edge of the stage and told little Lucy (who loves to get gifts) that if she knocks the ducky off the stage, she can have it. So if she wants it, she has to knock it down to let me know.
I sit on the stage, about 10 or so feet away from the LED grid generator.
I tried taking photos with my sony cybershot. the camera pooped out and would not take pictures. I tried taking photos on my Canon. I could not get the camera to take pictures. It couldn't focus on anything and wouldn't snap. In frustration, I took out my cell phone, turned it on and snapped photos with it. Normally I don't like using my cell phone as it messes with the K-IIs... but I know I have a good camera, so I knew it would work.
I then told Harvey that I would really like his picture to frame on my wall. If he were in a good mood and would let me take his photo... that would be awesome. I have a potential EVP of what sounds like a " '*Kay" in response. (please note: to hear some of these EVPs you will need good headphones)
This is what happens...

The strange thing about this weird
mist... it moved. if you look at my mother who is sitting with my pup in
her lap... in pic 1 the mist is above her shoulder. In pic 2 it's below
her shoulder as if it's moving down... and in pic 3 there is only a
small corner in the lower left hand side.
Now, if that were a smudge or a
glitch... every picture would have this weird smudge/glitch in the
center of the photo. It wouldn't move... and then disappear.
I tried to recreate the same scenario...
(click to see the larger photo) I tried taking pictures in a similar angle, I tried taking a photo facing the generator, I tried taking pics standing right next to it... I could not get that smudge/mist back. I have taken over 300 pics since these photos were taken. In the thousands of photos on my camera phone this has never happened... and has never happened since in the 300 photos taken after this. Never even got it to happen again during the investigation.
I did get this photo
in 90% of cases, I'd say hair. However... a few things.
1. Since this was a camera phone... I
held the phone away from me and looked on the screen instead of through
the view finder, so it was never close to my hair.
2. I really don't have any hair right
now. I had my head shaved after skin cancer issues because I had
atypical moles that were of concern on my head. my hair is maybe about
half an inch long right now. So there's really no hair to get in the
It is possible this is a bug flying into
the shot... but usually when a bug is this close to the camera... you
can see the form of the bug... or at least wings. So while I can rule
out hair... I can't rule out bug. But it is interesting.
That was it for photographic evidence.
Personal experiences:
1. While I was on the stage... my mom
informed me that Yoshi was very intensely staring at nothing. Normally
she'd just lay down and nap... but she was intensely stalking something
with her eyes. Occasionally she'd bow her head like she does when
someone pets her. after 10 minutes she finally broke her stare and laid
2. My other dog Dojo was sleeping on the
seat next to where my mom was sitting. Out of no where he jumped from a
sleeping position to a standing position, turned around, stood up on
his hind legs looking at the empty seat behind him, wagging his tail
frantically as he does when someone pays him attention. After a minute
or two he sat down, and then laid back down.
3. While asking a few questions... we
got major K-II hits. Generally they were in relation to Kimberly,
someone Harvey and Lucy are very familiar with... and it was usually in
relation to humiliating things like the Chicken dance, singing goofy
songs, or performing other tricks. It seemed to get an excited reaction
from the K-II.
4. At the end of the night... while the
glitter on the paper seemed to have not moved, there was a small amount
of glitter on the floor.
5. I went to take the rubber ducky that
hadn't moved all night when suddenly I noticed... it was gone! I looked
down at the floor, and there it was - sitting up right, facing in the
same direction as it had been facing on the stage, right at the foot of
the stage. I tried several times to put the ducky in the same place it
was on the stage, and then I knocked it down. Each time it would fall,
bounce (like a rubber ball) making a bounce noise, and then it would
always land on it's side, usually facing to the side or back. It never
landed straight up, that close to the stage, in the same direction it
was facing while on the stage. The only way for it to have been upright
facing that direction was if it had been gently placed there.
I did catch an *EVP
right before I realized the duck was missing. This sound was not heard
at the time.. and with how loud the sound is... I would think I would
Minus the personal experiences, these are a few other potential EVPs captured... Again, headphones are important.
*This one
is cool but you need headphones. There is a little tiny voice and it
sounds like she is saying "Lucy" the name of the little girl who haunts
the theater.
*In this case
- I said "I think Lucy would like gold and pink (glitter) wouldn't
you?" after a few seconds of silence it sounds like a feminine voice
saying "wouldn't you" almost repeating what I said.
*This file sounds like "Harvey" possibly saying, "Which is fine"
After leaving the theater - my mom and I headed back to our room in the straits lodge of Mission Point Resort. After the elevator doors closed, that's when I noticed, near the top of the elevator... we had a little tiny winged visitor.
Let me just tell you... a mother's job protecting her child must end when that child is an adult, cause as soon as my mom saw the bat and those doors opened, she shoved me out of the way, ran out the elevator, leaving me to fend for myself. LOL Poor lil' guy only yawned and stayed sleeping. He must have gotten stuck in there and exhausted himself trying to get out. So he just hung around from the vent at the top of the elevator until security caught him and wooshed him back outside where he belonged. (They love bats on the island. They take care of the bugs.)
So, thoughts, comments, questions? Let me know. Till next time.
In the process of trying to get a nice photo of the theater, I googled for images and happened upon your blog. The reason I'd wanted photos was for a travelers notebook I am making of my trip to Mackinac, including all the Somewhere in Time movie locations. I ended up at this theater alone, in the dark, in the hopes that it was actually open, and lit up so I could get a decent photo. (I immediately felt like it might have some ghostly presence but I of course couldn't get anything good). I almost didn't even bother trying to get any photo at all. Weirdly one of my shots taken with my Canon powershot s95 was with the flash on, and all I got was a room full of "mist". I jokingly laughed it off as being some ghosts. So, I nearly fell off my chair when reading your blog. I love the possibilities !!!! I worked in photo labs for many years, developing photos from film. I could usually disqualify seeming "ghost" orbs with logical explanations such as sun spots, or light bouncing off a car outdoors, etc. But I always hope for some fun, real, documented ghostly images